Founded in 1957, the Maldon Society aims to promote and preserve the historical heritage of this town and its surrounding area by encouraging civic pride in the area
and promoting co-operation with other organisations.
We've moved
Our talks are now held at
United Reformed Church
Market Hill
No need to book
Maldon's role
in the saving
of Smithfield Market
Julian Harrap
7.00 pm Thursday 6th February
United Reformed Church
Market Hill
Doors open 6.30 pm
About the Maldon Society
Protecting our heritage
The Society seeks to protect that heritage from unnecessary or harmful change, for example by keeping an eye on planning applications, particularly in the conservation areas, and by participating in local area reviews.
Find out about our mission statement below
Sharing our history
Visitors to the Maeldune Heritage Centre (see map) are welcome to access the Society's archives which contain over thirty individual collections of photographs, videos and pen-and-ink drawings of the town and its people, ranging from the 1930s to the present day.
Find out more about our archives here
The adjacent oral history Listening Station is available to all visitors. Over 75 people have now been interviewed and recorded, providing a wide variety of memories about the town, from the 1930s onwards. There are stories about boat building and sail making, childhoods with freedom to roam all day, wartime events and learning to swim in the Promenade lake.
Listen to some 'Memories of Maldon' on our oral history website
Installing blue plaques
We have an active programme of installing, updating and maintaining blue plaques around the town. You can visit them by following our Blue Plaque Walks guide.
Promoting our town
We hold monthly talks on local buildings, people and events. These are open to the public as well as members with the intention of promoting an appreciation of our heritage as widely as possible. Talks are held at the United Reformed Church on Market Hill.
Find out more about our talks here
Meanwhile we help to maintain the vitality of the town working closely with business representatives, with all other local heritage groups and both the Town and District Councils.
Our mission statement
The Society seeks to preserve all that is best in local architecture and ensure that any future development is in keeping with the town's ambience and overall design.The Society aims to promote and preserve the historical heritage of this town and its surrounding area by:
Encouraging civic pride in the area and promoting cooperation with other organisations
Encouraging high standards of planning and architecture by liaising with Councils on planning applications
Arranging well-advertised monthly talks of local interest, open to the public
Managing an informative website (maldonsoc.org) and normally producing a twice-yearly newsletter
Managing an archive of photographs, videos and drawings illustrating the history of the town, housed in the Maeldune Heritage Centre
Developing an oral history Archive by recording memories and stories from local residents
Being involved with Heritage Weekends and the installation of Blue Plaques
Become a member of the Maldon Society
Those who share our aims can join the Society by paying a fee of £12 per person or £20 per couple.
The membership fee covers the period from 1st April to 31st March. A reduced fee is payable for those joining after 1st April.
As a member, you will be able to attend our monthly meetings free of charge.
Why join the Society?
You will receive our twice-yearly newsletter on matters of local interest, as well as our regular bulletins featuring news of important developments around Maldon. You will also help sponsor our work in Maldon:
Providing and maintaining blue plaques
Creating and putting on public display historic oral and photographic archives
Promoting awareness of how special Maldon is through public talks
Vetting planning issues and taking part in joint heritage activities
For further information, please email maldonsociety@aol.com
To join the Society, click here to download a Membership Form
The Maeldune Heritage Centre is located at the corner of Market Hill and the High Street.
The United Reformed Church is on Market Hill, CM9 4PZ

Maldon Mayor Andrew Lay joined guests at the launch of our new touchscreen.

Our latest blue plaque commemorates the life of Myra Sadd, a famous suffragette.
AGM papers 2024
The AGM papers are available on the Committee page
Read all about it
Keep up to date with the latest developments in Maldon and find out what's happening in the Maldon Society by downloading our latest newsletter published in April.